• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    EA Sports NHL Hey devs @ EA - please infiltrate FIFA’s offices and ‘borrow , steal ‘ team press button - that’s my solution to rid your game of toxic puck raggers - ( & some other easy fixes to drain the swamp ! )

    EA Sports NHL Hey devs @ EA - please infiltrate FIFA’s offices and ‘borrow , steal ‘ team press button - that’s my solution to rid your game of toxic puck raggers - ( & some other easy fixes to drain the swamp ! )

    Hey devs @ EA - please infiltrate FIFA’s offices and ‘borrow , steal ‘ team press button - that’s my solution to rid your game of toxic puck raggers - ( & some other easy fixes to drain the swamp ! )

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Team press button.

    Skate towards the ragger, press O for team press- have a teammate come pressure the ragger from another angle- boom! No more ragging !!

    While I'm at it ; please add the animation of the player holding his one arm up with his stick indicating that he wants to go for a line change.

    Umm make the puck transparent and visible 'through' the boards when it's down low, in the corner especially-tough to see where it is when using certain camera angles.

    Bring back the detailed pass stats counter in game stats as opposed to changing it to a %

    EA please figure yourselves out and for the love of all things holy figure out how to make it so we can change our goalie and edit our lines MID GAME , or during the intermission.

    Bring back the ability to call a time out by pressing L1 and whatever ( they had it on the ps3 that way ) we don't waste the one and only pause button

    And the biggest game changer which would singlehandedly force those who just can't quit getting their fix of the ol' short side glitch snipe. I get it; it's a real hockey play yes.

    But when you're playing a guy - it's beyond laughable when it becomes apparently obvious that the ONLY thing this conditioned exploiter wants to do is the SAME off wing, protect puck, cut to the inside - go far side for the goal.

    Have Goalie AI realize that it's the same button sequence performed EXACTLY the same way in basically the EXACT same spot! Sooo cap those same button sequence plays that go in for goals at two!

    Then you would have no choice but to have to try something, eeek, dare I say it ? Original ? Some actual puck cycling down the wall, setting up a nice; well earned- 4-5 - 6 pass sequence one timer. That's hockey!

    There'd be no offensive zone puck ragging ballerinas either as adding the team press button I mention above would eliminate that too ! ( or reduce it )

    At the end of the day. I just love hockey and playing the only hockey video game available has really been heading on a downward spiral as far as accepting and embracing this 'meta go to goal method' which makes every game far too scripted and exploitative riddled.

    Eliminate the crap that has no business being in the game, skating backwards all game , being a goof in general ; flipping the puck over the boards; do it three times ; you get a 3-0 loss right away and we can move on.

    Don't want to play?

    Well I'm sorry for you. Put the control down and a timer starts at 30 seconds- if no buttons are pressed and the timer reaches 0 the timer resets to 15 seconds - if no buttons are pressed then the player who left the controller down gets a 3-0 loss, we move on without wasting 20 minutes of our lives

    Just drain the swamp. Get rid of the toxic , un sportsmanship things that make this game into a fiasco sometimes.

    I love you guys.

    Thanks for reading this far.

    submitted by /u/passthepuck9
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    Picked up an absolute relic from my childhood today. Stoked to pop it in!

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    Everything Wrong With EA Sports NHL (Video)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    Made this video awhile back and it's got some good feedback. Pleasantly surprised how many views it has had as well with nearly 60k. Made before NHL 21 was announced so some of the features missing are old, obviously, but tried to cover as much as possible

    Apologies for the monotone voice as I was reading off a script and don't normally make videos.


    submitted by /u/BRDillon17
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    New franchise mode. Playing every game

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    So I got tired of doing the same old sim engine franchise modes. I did one a few years back with colorado where I played every game (cranked up the difficulty so I could actually lose gsmes) and had a blast doing. Thought I'd try again. Using Nashville this time (let my wife choose my team) going well so far 3-1-0 to start. Ryan johanson leading him points with 7. I made some moves in the first draft after expansion to clear up some cap space. Traded Matt Duchene to Florida for the first overall pick( medium franchise tag left wing Gudbranson). Kyle turris to Boston for vaakanainen and some picks. Few other big contracts but low overalls. Signed Braden holtby in free agency and Dylan strome as an rfa. Signed Reaves And made trades for Alex Tuch, Marcus Foligno and Josh Leivo. But here's my lineups so far

    1st line Forsberg-Johansen-Arvidsson 2nd line Gudbranson-Strome-Tuch 3rd line Foligno-Bonino-Reaves 4th line Tolvanen-Sissions-Leivo

    1st pair Fabbro-Josi 2nd pair Elkholm-Ellis 3rd pair Vaakanainen-Weber

    Holtby Rinne

    Let me know what you think so far. Any moves I should make, players to look into or lineup changes. Top 2 lines a clicking pretty well. Been struggling with my bottom 6 tho

    submitted by /u/BigGingePokemon13
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    NHL 21 WOC Traits Discussion

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    Unfortunately I didn't write down or remember what they all were, but at first glance I do remember that EA seemed to do a pretty decent job of increasing the variety of attribute boosts/tradeoffs. It SHOULD make for a greater variety of builds next year, especially because not all of them decrease your shooting stats now AND because some of them affect your skating stats (including speed...)

    What I also liked was that not only do the attribute tradeoffs affect multiple categories (offense, defense, athleticism) now, but the boosts actually affect multiple categories as well (I think there was one trait in particular that boosted your stick checking, DA and acceleration).

    submitted by /u/UtopianInterdiction
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    Franchise mode question (nhl20 Xbox one)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    During the resigning phase I was at 44 contracts (4 goalies) I signed a bunch of my unsigned chl prospects so I was around 60 contracts but 17 ish exempt (CHL). I know that a few were going to start counting on July 1. Anyways fast forward to July 1 and somehow I've lost three players off my roster who were depth players. Im at the max contract number now so I assume the game auto cut these three specific players. However, they aren't on another team nor are they in free agency. And I can guarantee they didn't retire.

    Where did these players go?

    submitted by /u/thet1m
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    Got a suspension notice for my account today. Apparently our team name violates their policy, however Sex is not a filtered word (which is crazy if that's the word they find offensive, how could they have missed it?). I can't change my team name though, so is my only solution to delete the team?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    I'm a new player to the series as a whole, and I'm having trouble with NHL20 and improving.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    TLDR: Suck at Chel so had some questions. Theres a number of them but if you can only answer one of them, thats cool

    So as the title said, never played an NHL game before and decided to give it a go and quickly got addicted. It has issues but its fun to play. The problem is I don't think I'm improving a ton. This is primarily about just playing in "play now", which I guess would be HUT online? I havn't touched multiplayer yet.

    I started with semi-pro and found that I was winning 7 - 0 every time so I went to Pro. At first I couldn't even score but Im not at the point where its sort of a toss-up and I win most of the time but it depends on the team and such. I feel like I must be doing some things wrong, considering this is basically just the "normal" difficulty. I had a couple questions that I hope someone would have the answer for. As a note: I use skill stick, no aim assist, and manual back skating.

    1. I swear, passing is the biggest difficulty for me. It never passes where I actually want it to. I think I just need to get used to the aiming of it but its annoying. They always get picked off. Should I be literally waiting until lanes are completely open? When should I use a saucer compared to regular? Should I be getting max power on every pass and if so, do I have to hold it right when im ready to pass or is it fine to just hold R2 until you see a lane open?

    2. The other thing I find myself losing is puck battles along the board. Exactly how do you go about winning these? Just spamming pass when youre in one or is it totally stat based?

    3. Pressing X to hold the puck close..Im not exactly sure when the best time to do this is. Obviously it slows you right down and occasionally I've drawn a penalty with it but I have no idea when the best time to do it is

    4. Getting the puck away from NPC's is challenging. The poke check is risky but Ive mostly figured out how to do it without getting a penalty. I'm not exactly sure when a stick lift is best. Mostly I've just been using checks defensively.

    5. There seems to be a number of dekes to master but, Im honestly curious what most people consider the most essential. Should the spin-o-rama be used that frequently? I try to use the regular Windmill deke a lot but end up losing the puck.

    Thanks in advance. If you guys have any good videos and such too, that would be super helpful

    submitted by /u/Antrix32
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    Noob question...

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    Sorry for the basic question but we are totally new to ps4. I bought a console to play sports games with my two young sons. We can't seem to get a two-player mode going on NHL 20 when we just want to play offline against each other. Can anyone provide a simple method? Many thanks!

    submitted by /u/proudcanuckle
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    Brand New EasHL Club

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 03:41 PM PDT

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