• Breaking News

    Monday, December 21, 2020

    EA Sports NHL Some of this was a lot of fun and some of it was torture, but I got the platinum for NHL 21 last night after getting my CHEL pro to prestige 1 as my last needed trophy!

    EA Sports NHL Some of this was a lot of fun and some of it was torture, but I got the platinum for NHL 21 last night after getting my CHEL pro to prestige 1 as my last needed trophy!

    Some of this was a lot of fun and some of it was torture, but I got the platinum for NHL 21 last night after getting my CHEL pro to prestige 1 as my last needed trophy!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:24 AM PST

    Has this been happening to anyone else lately? We both went for the check.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:39 PM PST

    Traded player on free agent list?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:13 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm new to NHL and NHL 21 and had probably a newbie question. I am playing a franchise as the Colorado Avalanche, and traded for Dylan Strome off the Chicago Blackhawks trade block. After the deal went through Strome didn't show up as an option to be put on any line and ended up in the free agent list even though it says he is on my team there. Now he won't accept a contract and it feels like I just wasted assets trying to get him. What happened and is it intended?

    submitted by /u/brutus631
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    I got a dose of my own medicine

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:55 AM PST

    Getting some goalie cardio in (Glitch video guide in comments)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:25 PM PST

    Share Profanity Filter Fails

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:28 AM PST

    Some of the names I have seen blocked and allowed are starting to blow my mind. Please share names (teams or players) you have seen blocked that shouldn't have been, and ones that certainly should have been blocked that were not.

    - Most recent team name I have noticed: Come Guzzlers
    - Most recent player name: Futtbucker

    submitted by /u/BDiddyisDaddy
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    Taking on bad contracts for draft picks in franchise mode?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:06 PM PST

    I'm doing a Seattle expansion and in order to reach the cap floor i'd like to take on some bad contracts in exchange for high draft picks. I'm currently at work, but does anyone know if this is possible for say a first or second rounder? Or does the trade logic not take this into account

    submitted by /u/Stockton20969
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    Pro tip: leaving a drop in game with no penalty

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:49 AM PST

    You can leave a game without penalty if you leave before the opening faceoff. This gives you the opportunity to see the rankings of your teammates and stay or dip. For me, any teammates less than gold 1 is an instant quit.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway63268
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    Ryerson University Tournament

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:12 PM PST

    Ryerson University is hosting an NHL 21 tournament on December 27. Open to all PlayStation users! There is a cash prize for First place, runner up, and best clip.

    For more information head to the tournament page. Tournament Page

    I hope this isn't against the subreddit rules, I read them and wasn't sure.

    submitted by /u/brockoliboy
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    Before you guys start talking shit, they were actually ranked higher than all of us. Peep the second goal.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:55 PM PST

    Auto training

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:15 PM PST

    So I accidentally turned auto training on in BaP in NHL21 is there anyway to change it back

    submitted by /u/Aboard_Boredom
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    Not saying I'm in the best position (teal)...but c'mon man!

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:33 PM PST

    Is there anyone else that is having different ping when playing Eashl and HUT

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:00 PM PST

    When i play HUT i have 9 ping and when i play Eashl i have 97

    submitted by /u/MaxLilenthal
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    Updated season option?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 02:59 PM PST

    Any chance ea will give the option to play the shortened season and schedule in franchise or season mode?

    submitted by /u/jblack1313
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    I’ll take the cross crease over the short side glitch for 200 please Alex ( rip )

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:59 AM PST

    Last year's game which was the peak of the cancerous, exact drawn up play, with exact, precise , button sequence combination done at the exact same places on the ice for the exact same player animation ( locked in a forehand glide ) to shoot for the short side GLITCH ( not snipe ) as it was just that - a glitch!

    It was pathetic how scripted and repetitive the game style incorporated by the 'high skilled pros' was, it was just a cancer.

    I have to think that most of you who did that, and still try to do it , (sucks as it's becoming a bigger part of this year -shooting accuracy /power stats going up will increase the short side glitch unfortunately)

    You've all been brought up playing video games playing by yourselves online

    Back in the day, we'd have to play beside the person.

    It's EA, the short side glitch has been in the game since 94.

    If someone were to repetitively exploit the short side glitch, or exploit anything to be honest- that person smartened up real quick and cut that shit out as they knew they'd get a charley horse or something!

    Ask yourselves after a game, ' if that person was in the same room as me; would I have deserved a charley horse ?' most of you don't even know about the intense pre game dramatics of the paper - rock - scissors best out of three for home - I bet there's so many of you who haven't played going 'down' as the road team before

    I will take cross crease after cross crease every day of the week and twice on Sunday over the scripted , exact same designed play for the short side glitch which was just disgraceful.

    But here's the thing. The day will come , and it'll come - that anonymity online will be a thing of the past; gamer tags, everything, will be associated with your person.

    I can't wait for that to happen, when it does occur ; there will be a 98% drop of exploitation and general douche baggery and finally we can enjoy a game without the toxicity that is prevalent when it comes to online gaming

    Sort of like that scene in Billy Madison where he calls Steve Buscemi to apologize for being a dick and after the call, he puts lipstick on and crosses him off the 'people to kill list'

    There's a lengthy list of exploitation abusers / glitch chasers out there and you know if you belong on it or not

    I just wish we could rate our opponent, and if after so many negative reviews ( you could rate them in a 5 star manner with basic reasoning for the poor rating - ragging, flipping puck over , laying down, just the usual 'douche baggery '

    After you accumulate multiple similar negative reviews which are saying the same exploitation being abused , well as they say in the Far East - sayonara.

    You'd get a ban for a few days. Hopefully smarten up

    But the fact that EA's farce of a development team is still employed; have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to curb and eliminate the toxic bullshit that riddles this game , makes it unenjoyable at times

    for example, how the F do you allow similar colours to be worn when the colours are supposed to have a contrast - get u/shadowXJ or some lackey to spend a few hours deleting the yellows and light toned jerseys which are ALLOWED to be worn as a dark.

    More examples to come fellas

    Merry Christmas to you all.

    I just gotta say; to the very special, small minority out there who play this game because we love hockey & we love to vid out, my brothers out there who DON'T play an exploitative style , who have skill and make great , heads up hockey plays, who play with HONOUR- have I told you how much I love you lately ?

    submitted by /u/passthepuck9
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