• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 8, 2021

    EA Sports NHL “This is a face off they’ll definitely want to win”

    EA Sports NHL “This is a face off they’ll definitely want to win”

    “This is a face off they’ll definitely want to win”

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    EA ever going to fix this issue with the new consoles? Every time I open the game I get this error and have to close it multiple times

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 05:45 PM PDT

    Just bought NHL 21 on sale. Is it just me or is Online Versus a complete mess to play compared to older games?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:27 AM PDT

    I last played NHL 19 and was quite good at it. Now I've just played 3 games on NHL 21 and it feels like a complete mess when playing. Did they bump up the speed of play?

    submitted by /u/Drunkmaniak
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    Franchise mode question about a contracted player

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    So, I signed an unsigned player from Dallas, gave him a contract, but he's contracted to an OHL team..How does that work? And will he be available to me for use in my AHL and NHL lines? I'm very confused, I've not dealt with this before with a player. I used some draft pics to get some unsigned players and this is a problem I've suddenly run into lol. I gave him a 3 year contract

    submitted by /u/FemboygirlfriendLill
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    WALKED ‘EM! (They left 10 seconds after this)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    Any help diagnosing a network problem that is only affecting NHL 21?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    A number to corresponding letter in the alphabet conversion gives “noidontthinkwereoverhypingthis”

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    A lengthy read of what I would LOVE to see occur

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 01:16 AM PDT

    There's a LENGTHY list of toxic , exploitative bullsh!t that could easily be addressed & removed; however- this company in Burnaby or wherever headed up by that tall , obtuse moron Rammer simply rest on their laurels

    I can't believe that he has not been fired!

    The only thing I can think of is the money generated from hut is the only thing that has him still employed ( sadly I'm a part of the addiction which has donated money that may have been burned and thrown into the trash )

    This company has had a consistent downward spiral in terms of sales , they have really become purveyors & promoters of numerous toxic & exploitative aspects

    I think Rammer has some real dirt on the higher ups at EA and is using that as insurance to not get fired, I can't understand how else he's still in charge of this shit show

    We saw those recent posts about inclusiveness, and to write about anti racism, sexism, whatever ( which should go without saying )

    But this company desperately needs an 'ethics & accountability' department to make an attempt to drain the swamp of the inexcusable and ridiculously high levels of negativity & douche-baggery.

    Hire me EA , Heads would roll, starting with Rammer; I'd implement some big changes which would overnight clean up the game & make it a lot less frustrating & change the current mantra of EA which seems to be ' reward exploitation'

    The BEST thing would be ; but it won't happen , as I guarantee you that all these televised events they have , those who make it to the finals surely must sign a NDA which also says something like ' even though we know you qualified & made it here by exploiting some of the games broken mechanics to gain an unfair advantage ( which is a clear violation of section 10.2 in the online terms of service - look into it )

    I would LOVE it if we found out who made the finals. And we made a go fund me to finance the one guy who would break the agreement signed with EA

    Imagine during the final , our guy would embarrass the hell out of EA by doing NOTHING but the common douche baggery exploits to get a lead , & then do nothing but puck rag for 2 periods I'm talking the full out 'pro ' moves that disgustingly enough have been embraced by a lot of the community; regardless- having him ballerina around, L2 , self sauce , the no puck movement offensive zone puck raggers, only trying for the exact same goal ( short side glitch or cross crease all done and executed the exact same way, the exact same button /control inputs, etc )

    That would honestly be the BEST to have them all be embarrassed and in my wildest , ultimately fired by this happening

    Another thing

    We could show our dismay & arrange a black out day where we show EA that we are fed up with their shit , & have us ALL not buy any packs for a 12 hour period


    Downvoting my post is imminent as they're so many fragile , little millennial cucks here who embrace the common douche baggery mentioned

    Could you imagine how awesome that slap to that tall clown's face who runs EA would be ?

    The audience watching especially those who've never witnessed what this company created & calls hockey would be in disbelief of what this company has done NOTHING to curb

    Rant over

    submitted by /u/passthepuck9
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    First Person EASHL

    Posted: 07 Apr 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    I remember way way back using a camera in be a pro that was either first person, or at the very least was very tight to the skater's back. If there was an online eashl game mode that was first person only would you play it?

    What supporting functions do you think would be needed to make it work? Being able to look left and right without turning your whole body would be interesting, though that could be addressed by having a full 180 field of view (that's still not perfect for looking over your shoulder though). Could possibly support this with VR + gamepad.

    submitted by /u/Reppotimus
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