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    Sunday, June 20, 2021

    EA Sports NHL It took me a solid minute to realize what actually happened here....wtf EA? Just how?

    EA Sports NHL It took me a solid minute to realize what actually happened here....wtf EA? Just how?

    It took me a solid minute to realize what actually happened here....wtf EA? Just how?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:28 AM PDT

    Camera Angles

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    You guys know that camera angle when youre playing goalie and you pull the goalie and become the extra attacker? Is there no way to have that Camera Angle when not playing Goalie?

    submitted by /u/rmcintee
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    [RANT] [HUT] [QUESTION] HUT and it's pay to win algorithm?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    i've played this franchise for years and during releases i go through some short lived phases of getting into HUT just to fall out of it because of how far i am behind others and such- this time around i've gotten really into it and understand sets and values of things and i was getting really invested.. everyone and their mom knows about the pay-to-win aspects and EA's greediness, but this time around i was simply having fun not caring about other people's teams and thriving with offline modes and objectives and completing sets and such.. just for me to get into a place in the game where mainly the rest of the objectives and milestones are to be completed in the online modes (RIVALS, HC, SB) so i just decided i'll suck it up and take it from 95+ overall teams and try to complete them, and the thing about this is i don't expect to win at all; but what i didn't expect is how blatant the ice tilt in these games are. rather than just getting dominated by a better team it's also making YOUR team worse. passes become comedically inaccurate, players don't join on rushes and aren't ever in position, if there's a delayed offsides they literally just stand there and don't tag up to be onside, dekes never work, etc. and i'm sure i'm not the first one to come on here and rant about this and i won't be the last. the point of this post is to ask: why? what's EA's thought process here? i guess it's that people will want to spend money on packs and shit to compete with these teams- but if anything for me, and i'm sure for most people, it just discourages me from playing and buying further installments of the game at all let alone give them money for micro transactions. is this really the idea by EA here?

    submitted by /u/chefboleson
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    Customizing Established NHL Team In Franchise Mode

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:27 PM PDT

    Is there a way to customize an already established NHL team (non custom expansion team) while playing franchise mode? I am looking to change like goal music, goal horn, stuff like that. Is there an option in the off season somewhere where I can do this? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/romanswinter
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    No lines filter

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 09:09 PM PDT

    When you go in edit lines there always an option for no lines filtering What's the point of having a no lines filter ? It seems to be in the game in every game

    submitted by /u/lan3v0
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