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    Monday, March 8, 2021

    EA Sports NHL This game is so goofy, Stammer retires with 721 goals but somehow is also second all time with 1087 😂

    EA Sports NHL This game is so goofy, Stammer retires with 721 goals but somehow is also second all time with 1087 ��

    This game is so goofy, Stammer retires with 721 goals but somehow is also second all time with 1087 ��

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 08:18 AM PST

    Finally got a Xbox One

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 07:19 AM PST

    Yep, I'm years late.

    I'm not much of a gamer. I've been playing NHL 11 for the 360 for a few years now. Did a lot of roster editing and I enjoy the game very much. Someone gave me 12 and I didn't like it at all. I heard 14 was really good so I bought it used for $2 at Gamestop and even though it looks better, I couldn't get into it so I always revert back to 11.

    This past weekend, I bought a Xbox One and NHL 20 to go along with it. HOLY HELL, I love this game. I didn't even change up any sliders, just threw in the game and have been playing it non stop. I don't really follow hockey so I couldn't tell you who plays on what team but this has been a real treat for me. The skating is faster, more fluid. The checking is amazing, passing is crisp. The commentary gets me fired up when I get a save or score a goal.

    I'll be starting a franchise soon. Do you guys start with 31 teams or do the expansion with 32? Any tips on scouting?

    submitted by /u/duckmunch
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